We believe true relationships
begin with meaningful communications.
Although issues may be new to a company, few--if any--are unique to our team. We believe communications is a powerful tool and by utilizing the appropriate technique, challenges can be overcome. The focus of our work is to create programs and resources to address each issue on its own merit and with respect for the situation. We are dedicated to establsihing a foundation where trust and collaboration can develop and sustain.
We are a firm with the proven skills needed to design communications strategies for industry-based issues. We are experts in environmental issues, health and safety matters, public-utility rates; siting new facilities, gaining permits, crisis communications, and facilitation and management of community advisory panels and listening sessions. This experience includes community-based outreach, work with elected officials, engagement with regulatory agencies and media relations.
And her firm
For more than 30 years, Mary has helped clients around the country build lasting relationships with their communities, elected officials, regulatory officials and media representatives. Although each company, community and person is unique, Mary has found they share one common element: Respect matters. Her years of expertise are built upon a foundation of listening, honesty, and creating programs that make a difference and earn trust.